
Fülöp Hill Lookout Tower

Fülöp-hegyi Kilátó

The Millenium Look-out Tower of the Fülöp Hill

Among the natural sights of Révfülöp the panorama on Lake Balaton from the Look-out Tower of Fülöp Hill can be emphasised above all.

This fascinating panorama was described by Jenő Cholnoky, the excellent geographer, who travelled all around the world in this way.

From the Fülöp Hill of Révfülöp you can enjoy one of the most beautiful landscapes of the world.

Naplemente a vulkanikus hegyek lábánál

Tourists visiting Révfülöp can experience themselves the fascinating panorama from the Look-out Tower on the Fülöp Hill, which was built according to the plans of Gyula Pelényi in 2001 to the memory of the thousand year old anniversery of the foundation of the Hungarian State.

A kilátó a XIII. századi templomromból Útban a kilátó felé Félúton

Local History Collection

Few museums can boast a building right on the shore of Lake Balaton, but Révfülöp can! This small museum is located right by Rév-Art and the Lakeside Gallery. In June of 2003, to celebrate the municipality’s 60 years of independence, the exhibit was renovated and expanded.

Honismereti Gyűjtemény Honismereti Gyűjtemény megnyitásaHonismereti Gyűjtemény megnyitásaHonismereti Gyűjtemény - Látogatók

Lakeside Gallery in Révfülöp

It would be quite impossible to list all the artists who have had their work showcased the Lakeside Art Weeks event series throughout the decades. Every summer, six different exhibitions are opened consecutively two weeks after one another, the openings feature professional artistic productions.

Tóparti Galéria késő estig nyitvatart Tóparti Galéria - Tisza-Kalmár György kiállításaTóparti Galéria - Tisza-Kalmár György kiállításaTóparti Galéria - Stockinger László kiállítása

Church Ruins from the Árpád-era

Opposite the train station at the foot of the hill is the ruin of the medieval Fülöp Village's 13th-century red sandstone church with a carved stone semi-circular arch entrance.

XIII. századi vörös homokkő templom XIII. századi vörös homokkő templom XIII. századi vörös homokkő templom

Cellar Museum

The building, dating back to the turn of the 20th century, presently houses the exhibition and functions as a medical office. The cellar built of stone was converted in 2009 into a venue for an exhibition presenting the history and tools of local viticulture and wine production, which has provided livelihood to the citizens of the area for centuries.

Pincekiállítás: A szőlőművelés és borkészítés története és emlékei Révfülöpön Pincekiállítás: A szőlőművelés és borkészítés története és emlékei Révfülöpön Pincekiállítás: A szőlőművelés és borkészítés története és emlékei Révfülöpön Pincekiállítás: A szőlőművelés és borkészítés története és emlékei Révfülöpön

World War I Memorial Park

The main attraction of the memorial park built on Káli Road is the Ottawa Memorial, which was previously located in the parish churchyard. The Ottawa Villa is situated directly opposite the park. It was home to Gábor Ottawa, a hero of World War I and son of the world-renowned ophthalmologist Ignác Ottawa, who died fighting at age 19.

Ottawa emlékmű Ottawa emlékmű

Europa Promenade

Europe Promenade leads us to the ship terminal as we walk along the shoreline in the cool shade of the trees. The portion of the walkway directly beside the lake is lined with red stone and is a popular fishing spot. Halász (Fisherman) Street widens into a square featuring the sculptor Béla Raffay's bronze drinking fountain titled "The Frog King."

Európa sétány Európa sétány Európa sétány